Metro Bus is here to help meet your transportation needs. This section will help you learn everything you need to know for a safe, smooth experience.
Metro Bus individual route schedules are available on our website, on all Fixed Route Buses and at Metro Bus locations as well as outlets in the Metro Bus service area. Individual bus stop pick-up times and maps are available in each Metro Bus shelter.
Select the button below to download a complete map of all Metro Bus routes.
Our online Trip Planner tells you which routes to take as well as individual bus stop timetables. Simply enter your starting point, destination and when you wish to travel and Trip Planner does the rest.
View routes on the Metro Bus Smart Ride App. The Smart Ride App trip planner tool identifies routes by estimated arrival time, most affordable trip, number of transfers or minimum walking time to a bus stop. Enter your starting point and destination to plan your trip!
You can always ask your Operator about routes and stops or call Customer Service at 320.258.6886 for assistance.
Metro Bus Fixed Route buses operate on a system of designated stops. There are over 700 signed bus stops along Metro Bus routes. Most routes have signed bus stops every two to three blocks in urban neighborhoods and four to six blocks along less-busy corridors.
Each bus stop sign represents a designated stop and identifies Fixed Routes serving that stop. There is also unique ID located on the lower-left corner of the bus stop sign. This ID can be used to obtain schedule information when calling Metro Bus or when using our trip planners.
Arrive five minutes early for your scheduled departure and stand near any Metro Bus stop sign while waiting. Buses cannot wait for passengers to arrive or stop for passengers who are not at designated bus stops.
When waiting at a bus shelter step out of the shelter when you see your bus approaching so the Operator can easily see you. This helps ensure you are not missed and allows you to be ready to board and pay your fare quickly. Multiple routes may serve a bus stop. Look at the bus marquee to see if it is the correct bus. Remember that traffic, weather and other circumstances may affect arrival times.
Wait until the bus has come to a complete stop and have your fare ready. Carefully step on board and pay your fare. Most Metro Buses are low floor design with no steps to climb to board the bus. If stepping into the bus is difficult, please ask the driver to “kneel the bus.” This will lower the front entrance of the bus.
Customers requiring the ramp or lift should be prepared to board first. When the lift or ramp is lowered the Operator will indicate when it is safe to board. The lift will beep when it is in motion.
If you use a wheelchair, we recommend you back the chair onto the lift. However, it is acceptable to board facing the Operator. If more than two passengers in wheelchairs need to bus, the Operator will tell any others when the next bus is scheduled to arrive. If the wait time is longer than 30 minutes, the Operator will arrange an alternate vehicle to serve those customers.
Take a seat if one is available and remain seated while the bus is moving. While choosing your seat, please leave the seats in front for senior citizens or individuals with disabilities.
Individuals paying a fare with the Smart Ride Card are automatically credited with two hours of free travel from that time. Transfers can be made anywhere on the Fixed Route system. Individuals using 1-, 7- or 31-Day Passes do not need transfers. Transfers are not available when paying with cash.
About a block before your stop let the Operator know you wish to exit the bus by pulling the yellow stop request cord. The Operator will let you off at the next signed bus stop. Please remain seated until the bus has come to a complete stop. Exit through the rear door and allow customers not using the lift or ramp to exit first. The Operator will activate the lift or ramp for those who need to use it. If needed, the Operator will help you unbuckle wheelchair belts and position your chair on the lift. Wait until the bus is gone before crossing the street. NEVER cross in front of the bus.
All Fixed Route buses are equipped with bicycle racks that can transport up to two bikes at a time.
Instructions are printed directly on the rack mounted on the front of the bus. Follow these instructions and your bike will be held securely in place.
The bike rack will hold most wheel and frame sizes, including children’s bikes.
Bikes can be loaded and unloaded from the outside first then the inside rack position. The bikes on the rack do not touch each other, the bus or other vehicles.
Bikes are not permitted within Metro Bus facilities or inside buses.
The Metro Bus fleet is in full compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and continues to seek ways to integrate new or enhance existing accessibility features.
All our Fixed Route buses are wheelchair accessible and all Operators are trained in operating accessible bus features. ADA-certified riders who use a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) to travel on the Fixed Route buses are given a unique ID card to show the Bus Operator. This card allows the PCA to ride for free. Please call 320.252.1010 to request an ID for your PCA.
Our Travel Trainers will help you learn about routes, services, schedules and fares. FREE trainings are customized to fit your needs whether you need one -on-one, group or virtual trainings.