The Metro Bus Code of Conduct applies to all customers that use Metro Bus services or facilities. This code has been established to enhance safety for customers and staff, promote proper use of Metro Bus facilities and services and elevate customer experience. Some items are established by Minnesota Statute 609.855: Crimes Involving Transit.


Icon of two buses

Behavior resulting in a disruption of service will not be tolerated.
Disrupting service could result in immediate and/or permanent removal from Metro Bus services and property.

icon representing no illegal activities, illegal drug use or public intoxication

No illegal activities, illegal drug use or public intoxication.
Violators will be trespassed and referred to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.

icon representing no soliciting, gambling or selling

No soliciting, gambling or selling.
Do not offer for sale, sell and deliver, barter, or exchange any goods, services or merchandise on buses or at Metro Bus facilities. Begging or panhandling is prohibited on buses and at Metro Bus facilities.

Icon showing pants, a shirt, a skirt and a shoe

Wear a shirt, shoes and bottoms at all times.
Be respectful of others by wearing appropriate clothing.

Icon of a Metro Bus farebox

Pay your fare. Avoid being trespassed. Have fare payment ready and exact change if paying with cash.
Failure to pay for your ride can result in a fine and/or trespass from Metro Bus services. Have your fare or the proper ID ready as you get on the bus.

Icon of a person throwing trash in a garbage can

Keep it clean.
Respect those who ride after you. Keep your feet off the seats and remove litter when you leave.

Icon representing no smoking

No smoking or vaping.
Smoking or vaping tobacco or marijuana is prohibited on buses, in shelters or on Metro Bus property.

Image representing someone being distracted

Do not distract the Bus Operator or bother others.
Interfering with the safe operation of a transit vehicle can be unsafe to everyone onboard.

Icon representing bad or disrespectful language

No harassing, derogatory or abusive language or gestures directed at employees, customers or others.
Be respectful to everyone! Engaging in disruptive or obscene behavior including loud conversations, profanity, insults or using audio/video devices without headphones is prohibited.

Image representing no uncovered drinks on the bus

No alcohol or drinks in uncovered containers allowed on buses.
You are welcome to bring your coffee with you just make sure it is in a sealed container and take it with you when you leave.

Icon representing no loitering

No loitering.
Transit facilities are public locations with a specific purpose. Congregating, loitering and sleeping is not allowed at Metro Bus facilities.

Icon of a pet carrier

Keep pets in a carrier.
Pets are welcome on buses if they are kept in animal carriers. Service animals are exempt but must be harnessed, leashed or tethered unless the service animal’s work or the person’s disability prevents use of these devices.


Arrive 5 minutes early and be at a Metro Bus stop or correct pick-up location.
Transit vehicles operate on a schedule. They cannot wait for passengers to arrive or stop for passengers who are not at designated bus stops.

Be careful after exiting the bus.
Transit buses do not have stop arms. Do not cross in front of the bus.

Say no to sprawl.
Your bag belongs on your lap, not taking up the seat next to you. If you are standing, make room by moving to the back of the bus.

Make the ride comfortable for everyone.
Seats at the front of every bus are preferred for seniors and customers with disabilities. Please surrender your seat to these customers when they board.

Be safe with strollers.
For safety reasons, remove children from strollers and collapse the stroller if it blocks the aisle.

Use headphones and your inside voice to respect others’ privacy.
When using your phone to talk or listen, be aware that others may be hearing you. Remember to be mindful of language, keep volume low and calls brief.